Faculty Mentors


Dr. K. Butler-Purry

Monitoring, Control, and Protection of Navy Ship and Utility Power Systems

Email: klbutler@ee.tamu.edu
Location: 216G ZACH

Dr. P. Hemmer

Improved Chemical and Biological Sensors

Email: prhemmer@ee.tamu.edu
Location: 216H ZACH

Dr. S. Khatri

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)

Email: sunil@ee.tamu.edu
Location: 320F WERC

Dr. M. Kezunovic

Reliable Electric Power Grids

Email: kezunov@ee.tamu.edu
Location: 323C WERC

Dr. C. K. Madsen

Photonic Signal Processing, Optics

Email: cmadsen@ee.tamu.edu
Location: 312B ZACH

Dr. S. Wright

Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Antenna Theory, Electromagnetics

Email: wright@ee.tamu.edu
Location: 208E ZACH

Dr. T. Zourntos

Sensor Device Integrated Security

Email: takis@ee.tamu.edu
Location: 318G WERC

